Case Writing
Our Case Writing Process
Immerse into the case writing experience. A great case wasn’t written in one night. Let’s enjoy the process of crafting your masterpieces.

Safe Environment
The culture at Innovatank is based on elevating one another. Everyone is here to learn. The writing process can be isolating. Through feedback and responses, authors feel they can express their style of writing and enjoy the process.

Collaborative Writing
You are not alone in the process, we have built a community of students, faculty, researchers, industry experts who are ready to help out with complementary skills.

Instant Publishing
An author’s enjoyment comes from having readers. The task of creating a perfect draft can seem overwhelming because it is never perfect. By instantly publishing exciting ideas, it allows authors to gain a better understanding of their audience and improve for the next draft.

Everyone has a style
Every artist has a different style, whether you are a classic fan, or have an eccentric flair, the platform is flexible. It is a canvas to which the masterpiece is created by you. Our rich-media platform brings the craft of case writing to another level. Innovation can be from writing text to video and filmmaking to tell the story.
Complimentary Topics
Author's Program
Authors come from all areas. They are industry experts, faculty, researchers and students. A good idea is what matters. Learn more about our Authors’ Program.